Discover your depths
Explore your soul with a certified Archetypal Astrologer
Deepen your spiritual capacity through self understanding
Led by PostGrads actively engaged in cutting-edge astrological research
"Filled me with a sense of comfort, enabling me to let go of the resistance and self-doubt"
"What would take a lifetime of self-discovery was easily uncovered within a 90 minute reading"
"Came away thinking that I can learn and practice archetypal astrology myself because it's just so simple"
"Added clarity to how we are as a couple and how we can grow and deeply support each other"
"Combining the ancient art of astrology with branding is something special"
"Gifted at seeing arcane truths in you, but also grounding those in the world around"
"Knew the deepest depths of my whole being and explained it like it was nothing"
"Filled me with a sense of comfort, enabling me to let go of the resistance and self-doubt" "What would take a lifetime of self-discovery was easily uncovered within a 90 minute reading" "Came away thinking that I can learn and practice archetypal astrology myself because it's just so simple" "Added clarity to how we are as a couple and how we can grow and deeply support each other" "Combining the ancient art of astrology with branding is something special" "Gifted at seeing arcane truths in you, but also grounding those in the world around" "Knew the deepest depths of my whole being and explained it like it was nothing"
Here to help you unleash
your soul’s code
Our Archetypal Astrologers have a Masters degree from CIIS in their cutting-edge Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness department.
Certified Analysts
Visionary psychiatrist Dr. Stanislav Grof has called Archetypal Astrology is “the Rosetta Stone of consciousness.”
Soul Work
Acclaimed historian Dr. Richard Tarnas has documented the connection between individual identity and the archetypal forces which shape the cosmos.
Cosmic Integration
"Fully fully fully highly recommend!"
"You know the answers, but when you see your chart and how it affects you on a day to day basis, and a cosmic basis, and a lifetime basis, you start to breathe and sink in and understand your full self..."
—Clara (New York)
"Feeling really grounded, feeling really confident!"
"Both sessions really opened my eyes to a whole world and a way of thinking which I had never been exposed to."
—Sally (California)
Trusted by people from all backgrounds