What is Archetypal Astrology?
Archetypal Astrology has been described by Transpersonal Psychologist, Stanislav Grof, as “the Rosetta Stone of Consciousness.”
Dr. Stanislav Grof
“Above all, we must awaken to and overcome the great hidden anthropocentric projection that has virtually defined the modern mind: the pervasive projection of soullessness onto the cosmos by the modern self’s own will to power.”
Dr. Richard Tarnas
Cosmos & Psyche: Intimations of a New World View
“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.”
Dr. Carl Jung
An Introduction to Archetypal Astrology
A short yet descriptive introduction by Richard Tarnas.
Archetypal Cosmology: Past & Present
The history of Archetypal Cosmology as written by Richard Tarnas, published in The Mountain Astrologer.
Cosmos & Psyche by Richard Tarnas
The foundational book on Archetypal Cosmology and deep history.
Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology
An academic journal that explores significant correlations between cyclical alignments f the planets and the archetypal patterns of human experience.
The Archetypal Universe by Renn Butler
A great guide to all the different archetypal combinations.
Numinous Realm | News
Ongoing analysis of world history from our team of Archetypal Analysts.
Numinous Realm | Fashion
Fashion design rooted in the seasons of the cosmos. Based on deep and ongoing aesthetic research into the diachronic patterns of world history.